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Alleviating Poverty in China - Planet Aid, Inc.

Written by Planet Aid, Inc. | Nov 17, 2010

Since the 1980's, China has demonstrated remarkable economic growth and development. Despite this surge forward, however, many rural Chinese communities do not have clean water; are afflicted by TB, malaria, HIV, and other diseases; and many do not have enough food to eat. There are still 150 million Chinese people living below the World Bank defined poverty line of $1 per day, and the majority of these live in rural areas.

Vitamins A and D, iron, zinc, folic acid, and other micronutrient deficiencies remain a severe problem among the poor. The problem is particularly acute in the western provinces. Roughly half of the children there live in poverty and are malnourished, while child morbidity is three times higher than in eastern China. Incidences of infectious and endemic diseases, including tuberculosis and iodine deficiency disorders, are concentrated in these poor and remote areas.

Planet Aid is helping the rural poor of China by supporting development projects implemented by Humana People to People China. These projects take an integrated approach to development, covering all aspects of life to strengthen the communities and assist children. For more information about the projects being implemented in China, see the Humana People to People China website.