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Breaking Free from Fossil Fuels - Planet Aid, Inc.

Written by Planet Aid, Inc. | May 16, 2016

Activists rally on May 15 in Lafayette Park outside the White House before marching to the Lincoln Memorial.

Across the world, the "Break Free from Fossil Fuel" climate movement organized rallies and marches to demand that fossil fuel extraction projects be stopped. Tens of thousands attended events in the beginning of May.

Click here for images from protests from around the world.

The Break Free Movement was started by the climate activist group and other organizations. As part of the May campaign, Break Free released a film entitled Disobedience. The film features Break Free organizers in Canada, Germany, Turkey, and the Philippines as they prepared to mobilize. It also includes cameos from author and activist Naomi Klein, co-founder Bill McKibben and board member Lidy Nacpil, and dozens of inspiring voices from front-line fights around the world.



In support of the Break Free movement, Planet Aid held two public screenings of Disobediance at its Baltimore and Milford locations.