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Community Development in Brazil - Planet Aid, Inc.

Written by Planet Aid, Inc. | Jun 23, 2010

Did you know that Planet Aid supports programs in Brazil? Beginning in 2007, Planet Aid began supporting "Humana Povo a Povo em Brasil" (HPP Brazil) in their mission to create sustainable development in rural parts of the country

HPP Brazil operates Child Aid community development projects in two areas of the poor northeastern state of Bahia, Cansancao and Quijingue. Recently, Clyde Fonseca, a former Planet Aid employee went to volunteer at the Child Aid project in Quijingue.

Child Aid is a comprehensive, grassroots-based approach to creating development ; it works by organizing communities and enabling them to take action where it counts. Some of the focal points of the program are: family income, education, water & sanitation and agriculture.

"I'm very excited for the opportunity to be in Brazil, the project and the people here are great," Clyde said. "Currently I am working with 24 families in the rural Tatu a Quijingue district - everything, including the "˜city' here, is very rural."

"Since I started working here I've been very busy," Clyde said. He explained that he has been helping to build fences in order to protect newly planted vegetable gardens.

"Right now, we are working to support a local Women's Handcrafts Association in order to empower women and generate income for families," he said.

In addition to the kinds of work Clyde is carrying out in conjunction with HPP Brazil, project activities include teaching sustainable agricultural techniques, constructing latrines, renovating schools and operating after-school tutoring programs.

Planet Aid and HPP Brazil believe that by working together with communities we can build the capacity to build a brighter future for Brazil.