Planet Aid Launches Scholar's Club With Free Carbon Footprint Lesson Plans

Free, Printable Carbon Footprint Lesson Plan for Elementary, Middle and High School

The Planet Aid Scholar's Club and Solar One Green Design Lab , an environmental nonprofit working to expand access to clean energy in the New York City region, are excited to announce this free, printable lesson plan to teach K-12 students about carbon footprints.

Lesson plans include:

  • videos
  • presentation/slideshow
  • interactive lecture
  • discussion topics
  • group activities
  • individual activities, and
  • extension activities

The elementary and middle school lesson plan will help teach students what a carbon footprint is, the environmental impact of carbon  emissions, and ways to reduce carbon footprints.

The high school lesson plan provides students with an in-depth understanding of what a carbon footprint is, the environmental impacts, and effective strategies to reduce carbon footprints on an individual and community level. An accompanying handout with the high school lesson plan includes an overview of the Paris Agreement and questions to fuel class discussions.

The lesson plans show how many individuals can take small steps that collectively have a big positive impact on the future.

Carbon Footprint Lesson Plans

Join the Club!

The Planet Aid Scholar's Club launched the 2024-25 school year. Join the club for free environmental lesson plans, activities, book reviews AND eco-challenges with chances to win cool prizes.

Schools also partner with Planet Aid to collect used clothes and shoes. Learn how your school can fundraise and give students real-world experience helping reduce textile waste in the U.S.

Special thanks to Solar One Green Design Lab!

Solar1 Green Design Lab

The Planet Aid Scholar's Club collaborated with Solar One's Green Design Lab to develop these free materials.