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Give Back Box is Celebrating a Decade of Making the Planet Better - Planet Aid, Inc.

Written by Planet Aid, Inc. | Jun 7, 2022

Give Back Box is celebrating its 10th anniversary, and Planet Aid is excited to continue this amazing partnership.

Since late 2020, Planet Aid has been one of Give Back Box's charitable partners, receiving thousands of donations via the pioneering recycling program. Clothing, shoes, and small electronics get delivered to the Planet Aid Thrift Store. Proceeds from these items fund international development projects in the areas of education, health, agriculture, disaster relief, among others.

Give Back Box Chief Executive Officer Monika Wiela said, "we appreciate the work Planet Aid is doing in putting unwanted clothes back to life. We have a common purpose of helping people and the planet."

Since its inception, the unique recycling program has diverted over one million boxes and almost 20 million pieces of clothing from landfills.

"Now they're reaching out to us!"

Today, universities, businesses, and even non-profit organizations have sustainability departments that promote recycling, reusing, and repurposing. However, the stage was much different when Give Back Box Chief Executive Officer Monica Wiela started the program in 2012. In an interview with Planet Aid, she talked about how hard it was to convince companies to sign on, but laughs when saying, "Now they're reaching out to us!"

Wiela created Give Back Box after missing an opportunity to provide shoes for a homeless man. She had an online shoe store, but only sold women's shoes. A frustrating situation—yes—but one that made her think about how to connect people with resources to those without them. From that experience, the foundation was laid for Give Back Box. It also birthed a sustainability movement now used by companies like Amazon, Loft, and Macy's to promote the reuse of resources, including the delivery boxes sent to shoppers.

Give Back Box is a sustainable choice for retailers. It enables them to provide their customers with a postage-paid label to donate unused or unwanted items to the charity of their choice. It is a conscious means of protecting the environment by extending the life cycle of the box and the resources within.

Donors who want to support their favorite charities can simply pay for the Give Back Box postage online. The special postage allows up to 70 pounds per donation. Many passionate Planet Aid supporters who don't live near donation bins, use Give Back Box to make sure their donations are received.

See part 2 of our interview with Monika Wiela on our YouTube Channel. For more information about Give Back Box, go to our home page and select "Mail A Box."