Blog | Planet Aid

Show Your Kindness - Planet Aid, Inc.

Written by Planet Aid, Inc. | Feb 5, 2018

Are the Winter blues getting you down? Well, cheer up because this month will bring tons of love! Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Week is being celebrated February 11 through February 17, 2018, with Random Acts of Kindness Day rounding out the week on Friday, February 17.

With Valentine's Day right in the middle of the week, what better way to spread even more love and kindness to all?

The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation designated this special week with the intention of spreading kindness throughout schools, communities, and homes to make the world a better place.

Join the celebration by doing something you feel would have a positive impact on someone's life. Be sure to share how you're celebrating RAK Week and see what others are doing by using and searching #SpreadKindness and #CaptureKindness on social media platforms.

Kindness Doesn't Stop With People

RAK isn't just being kind to others; there are various ways to show kindness. For example, you can be kind to animals, local businesses, and even the environment.

Below are just a few ways that you can be kind to the environment, not only during RAK Week but also in your everyday life to help save our planet.

1. Plant a tree

2. Pick up trash around your community

3. Switch to paperless mail and pay your bills online

4. Bring reusable bags to the grocery store

5. Unplug electronics and other outlets throughout your house when you are sleeping or not home

6. Use e-tickets when attending concerts, taking a flight, etc.

7. Ride your bike, walk, or take public transportation to school and work

8. Use a travel mug for your morning coffee instead of plastic or paper cups

9. Buy secondhand clothes instead of buying them new

10. Use a reusable water bottle instead of buying plastic water bottles

For a full list of acts of kindness ideas for your classmates, senior citizens, children, family, coworkers, and much more, click here.