Blog | Planet Aid

What Happens to Your Donated Clothes? - Planet Aid, Inc.

Written by Planet Aid, Inc. | Dec 19, 2013

According to a new article in the Business of Fashion, the vast majority of used clothing donated to charities in the United States is shipped to markets in developing countries. Why? The reason is the huge demand for second-hand clothing. There is also relatively little demand or need for second-hand clothes in the United States (approximately only 20% gets sold domestically). It is important to remember that Americans generate 12 million tons of textile waste every year. Without the benefit of reuse and recycling, an immense quantity of clothing would needlessly be sent to landfills or incinerators.

"The majority of donated clothing is sold to second-hand clothing merchants, who sort garments, then bundle them in bales for resale, usually outside the country in which the clothing was originally donated." —Tansy E Hoskins, Business of Fashion Magazine

Planet Aid is happy that others--particularly those in the fashion industry--are spreading the word about how the apparel market functions. The more people know, and make decisions based on that knowledge, the better off we will all be. Remember, no matter the condition, your clothing can be reused or recycled. Don't dispose of your clothing... donate!

Tailors make alterations on used clothing in a market in Beira, Mozambique.