Blog | Planet Aid

Appreciating Our Oceans on World Oceans Day

Written by Monica I. Johnson | Jun 8, 2024

World Oceans Day is June 8


Ocean's are more than massive bodies of water that boats travel on and fish live in. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA), the ocean produces over half of the world's oxygen and absorbs 50 times more carbon dioxide than our atmosphere. So, when the oceans are in trouble, the world will feel it. In deference to the significance of our oceans, World Oceans Day is celebrated annually on June 8. The global event raises awareness about the importance of oceans and the need for sustainable practices to protect these vital ecosystems.

Ocean pollution is composed of all sorts of trash, and plastic is a major contributor that presents unique challenges. From a textile waste perspective, World Oceans Day holds particular relevance because it highlights the detrimental effects of the fashion industry on marine environments.


The fashion industry is one of the largest polluters, with textile waste often ending up in oceans, contributing to the growing problem of marine pollution. Polyester and nylon are types of plastic commonly used for clothing. These materials do not biodegrade easily and can exist in the marine environment for hundreds of years, causing harm to ocean life and ecosystems.


One of the key aspects of World Oceans Day is its focus on promoting sustainable and eco-friendly practices within the fashion industry. This includes encouraging use of natural or biodegradable fiber, reducing overproduction, and reusing and recycling textiles.


According to the European Environment Agency, more than 14 million tons of microplastics have accumulated on the ocean floor, and 35% of all microplastics in the ocean come from synthetic textiles. There’s no getting around it; those are huge numbers, which should not be ignored. Nonetheless, the implications for the fashion industry don’t stop there. Industrial water pollution from wet processing—textile dyeing and chemical treatment processes—, contributes to an estimated 20 percent of ocean pollution.


World Oceans Day aims to reduce the amount of textile waste entering the oceans, by emphasizing eco-aware practices to protect marine biodiversity and ensure healthier ocean ecosystems. Additionally, it serves as a platform for educating consumers about the impact of their purchasing decisions and the importance of supporting sustainable fashion brands.


Furthermore, World Oceans Day fosters collaboration among governments, organizations, and individuals to address the issue of textile waste. It inspires collective action to mitigate the environmental impact of textile waste on oceans and encourages the implementation of policies and regulations that promote sustainable production and waste management practices for our oceans and the planet as a whole.


At Planet Aid, we ask you to take the small, easy step of donating your used textiles in one of our bins so they don't end up in a landfill, or worse, an ocean. By reusing clothes and shoes we can reduce waste and the need to manufacture new clothes.