Partner with Planet Aid for School Charity Programs


Looking for a way to teach your students about recycling, sustainability, and charity? Partnering with Planet Aid is a great place to start! Whether you’re looking to host a donation bin on-site or to host a clothing drive or fundraiser, Planet Aid can help.

A partnership with Planet Aid gives students the opportunity to help members of their community while simultaneously expanding their own understanding of sustainability and recycling. Interested in learning more about our programs? Fill out the form to contact a member of our team!

Contact Us to Learn More

Planet Aid partners with schools to create a passive fundraising stream. How does it work? School partners host a Planet Aid donation bin on-site, in which school and community members can place textile donations. Your school will receive funds for every pound donated!

When you partner with Planet Aid, you get all of the benefits of the program without the hassle. We’ll handle zoning requirements as well as installation and service. There is no cost or obligation to you.

Your school is working to grow the next generation of learners and good citizens. Our mission is to empower our community members to create environmental and social progress, and that begins in our schools. Your students will learn the value of helping their community through charitable donations, and they’ll also learn zero waste strategies to help build a more sustainable future.

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Why Host a Planet Aid Bin?

Engage your students and community to fundraise while helping preserve the environment by hosting a planet aid clothing donation bin. Teach your students about the importance of of reuse and recycling while helping reduce textile waste in U.S. landfills. Clothes and shoes donated at the bin you host, helps conserve millions of gallons of water, prevent thousands of pounds of CO2 emissions, provide the clothing to those who need it, and fund community development projects all over the world. THE CLOTHES COLLECTED ALSO RAISE FUNDS FOR YOUR SCHOOL!

How Much Money Can Our School Receive?

We donate back to you 5¢ per pound collected. Our school partners hosting bins raise several hundred to several thousand dollars annually. Many schools apply these funds to other environmental projects on campus (but that is up to you.) We also award prize money to the winners of our clothing drive contests.

How Can We Host A Bin at our School?

It’s easy – just fill out the form above, contact us at, or schedule a meeting here. We are happy to talk you through the simple process and answer any questions. We then take care of all arrangements to deliver the bin and make sure it is placed on a mutually agreed upon spot on your campus.

Why is Textile Reuse so Important for the Environment?

The textile industry is the second most polluting in the world. This is because of the extreme amount of greenhouse gasses emitted and the water that is consumed and contaminated in production and disposal.  Reusing textiles reduces the demand for production and diverts the material from our landfills (where they create more greenhouse gasses.)

There is a lot of work to be done - 85% of reusable textiles in the United States still go into our landfills or are incinerated! 

Let's keep clothing and shoes out of the waste stream and make them available for reuse!

Where Do the Clothes Go?

Planet Aid collects and recycles used textiles to protect the environment and support sustainable development in impoverished communities around the world. Most of the clothes are resold to raise funds for community development projects run by Planet Aid partners. Re-selling the clothes also supplies the vibrant global used-clothing economy, providing thousands of jobs and offering an inexpensive source of clothing in communities where the need is greatest. We also donate large quantities to local organizations that provide clothing to those in need.

What Makes Planet Aid Different?

Planet Aid is the only non-profit textile recycling organization with a K – 12 school program! Our School Partnership Team includes experienced K-12 teachers dedicated to making our program work for your school. We are also the only textile recycling organization directly providing funds to schools and school programs, sustainable agriculture, health, and community development projects in the USA, Africa, Latin America, and Asia.

Who Services the Bin and How Often?

Friendly drivers have regularly scheduled routes so the bins remain emptied and ready to receive the next deposit. We monitor and service the bins as often as needed, even daily at some locations. We schedule our clothing pick-ups at schools in the evenings so we do not add to campus traffic during the school day. Our drivers are trained to take good care of the donations and to keep the area around the bin clean and tidy.

How Much Work Is Required for us at the School?

No work is required! Once the bin is placed, we take care of everything. We monitor and service the bins as often as needed, even daily at some locations.  We also provide educational and promotional resources for you and your students, free of charge. Contact our team and we will be happy to provide you with the materials that will best support your needs. We can also make presentations (by Zoom) for your class or club, free of charge!

Is There a Time Commitment for Hosting the Bin?

There is no time commitment.  We will move or remove the bin upon request.   

How Can Students Get Involved?

The Planet Aid School Program focuses on inspiring, educating, and engaging K-12 students. The goal is to encourage and support future generations to become global citizens and leaders, capable of pioneering a healthy, sustainable future for us all. Students are often interested in the community service opportunities we provide, and excited by the environmental impact we help them make. Student clubs or individual students take leadership roles in organizing and promoting clothing drives while educating their peers about the benefits of textile reuse and recycling. Contact us so we can share with you the student engagement opportunities we offer.

Where Should We Place the Bin on Campus?

It is important to prioritize safety and convenience - for your community to access the bin and for our staff to service it.  A 4’ x 4’, level, sturdy surface is required. (Grass, concrete, and asphalt all work. - 1 bin is less than half the width of a standard parking lot.)  The benefits of the program, for both your school and our planet, are optimized if you choose the most visible and accessible location possible.

What is The Mission at Planet Aid?

Planet Aid’s mission is to inform, mobilize, and inspire individuals and communities to work together to bring about worldwide environmental and social progress. Planet Aid recognizes that the Earth's resources are finite and that good stewardship is essential for the well-being of current and future generations. Our used textile recycling program and the projects we support aim to protect the environment, reduce waste, and increase the efficient use of vital resources.

We work to strengthen and organize communities, reduce poverty, promote small enterprise development, support sustainable local food production, improve access to training and quality education, increase health awareness, and encourage healthy lifestyles. We embrace the principles of equality and self-determination in all that we do and foster cooperation and understanding among people across the planet. Disadvantaged populations are our priority, and we seek to empower them to create lasting positive change.

As a member of Humana People to People (HPP), we are aligned with the UN 2030 agenda. Together with the people in the communities we support and our HPP co-members, we stand by countries as they strive to meet the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

What International Projects are Supported by Planet Aid?

We support a diverse number of sustainable development projects. Click below to learn more about them: 

Can Planet Aid Help Us Organize a Clothing Drive?

Yes! We provide promotional materials and logistical support and we collect the clothes, making it a hassle-free experience for organizers and donors. You can also register for our clothing drive contests and win big prizes.  Become a partner to receive more info.

Partner With Planet Aid Today

Are you ready to get started? We’ll help you develop your sustainable school program, raise money for your school, and teach your students valuable lessons along the way. Fill out the form above for a no-obligation conversation to see how Planet Aid can help you.

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