Planet Aid never works alone. Our International Development partners help us empower communities.

For 25+ years, Planet Aid has supported international development programs led by local organizations. We are a founding member of the Humana People to People (HPP) Federation, an association of 29 local organizations working in Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas. Planet Aid‘s Office of Global Partnerships and Capacity Building works with these 29 local organizations to secure U.S. government grants to foster locally-led development in health, education, agriculture and climate action.

The world’s development and humanitarian challenges are vast and complex. They are also inherently local. We can help you identify strong local organizations to build cost-effective international development programs.

Our Office systematically helps our local Humana People to People co-members identify strong technical partners based in the U.S. and overseas in the areas of health, women’s empowerment, education and climate adaptation. Partner with us today!

We welcome your monetary donations to expand the work we do through our local partners to accelerate locally designed and implemented solutions in health, women’s empowerment, education and climate action.

Building global partnerships – impacting local communities


"The Food for Knowledge (FFK) project is highly recognized at community, school, and local and national levels for its comprehensive model of school feeding and its emphasis on local capacity building and community mobilization for the success of the project."

Carmelita Namashulua

Minister of Education and Human Development of Mozambique

As a founding member of the Humana People to People (HPP) Federation, Planet Aid leverages the knowledge of local HPP member organizations in the Americas, Africa and Asia. Partner with us to help fund sustainable, community-driven programs.
Planet Aid is committed to the success of our partnerships.  Our experiences and cooperation with locally led development programs has benefitted international development organizations. Contact us with any questions or to request support.